FP Complete



Announcing Amber, encrypted secrets management

Years ago, Travis CI introduced a method for passing secret values from your repository into the Travis CI system. This method relies on encryption to ensure that anyone can provide

August 17, 2021

When we released FP Haskell Center 3.1, we deprecated our support for GHC 7.4. Till now, we’ve left that support in place

The concept I’ll be describing here is strongly related to GPS Haskell, something Mark, Duncan, and I started working on at ICFP.

Right now, Hackage has no concept of a stable and an unstable release of a package. As a result, authors are hesitant

Open source We’ve been working on Stackage server for a while and now that the code has stabilized it’s ready to be

On September 28 we released 3.1 of the FP Complete public services. We’ve discussed this a bit already, but in this blog

We have two new updates to Stackage: providing cabal.config files and including Haddock documentation. Haddock documentation on snapshots Now all new exclusive

Both the changes described in this blog post, and in the previous blog post, are now merged to the master branch of

As most of us know, performance isn’t a one-dimensional spectrum. There are in fact multiple different ways to judge performance of a

A New Service A couple months ago I made a post explaining Stackage server, its motivations and use-cases, and that it would

FP Haskell Center Open Publish Announcement As you know, FP Complete’s mission is to drive the wide-scale adoption of Haskell functional programming.

Back in March, I mentioned that we’d be using conduit for high performance analyses. We’ve been busy working on various aspects of

Stackage is an infrastructure to create stable builds of complete package sets (henceforth we call them “snapshots”). Think “stable Hackage”. Let’s recap.

In the Stackage maintainer’s agreement, there’s a section about keeping your package compatible with the newest versions of all dependencies. What the

The heartbleed bug and FP Haskell Center If you haven’t heard about the heartbleed bug and related security issues, this article provides

As part of producing a demo for FP Complete’s new IAP product, I wound up implementing the Minimum Variance Portfolio calculation for

A common analytic task is the monte carlo simulation. This involves sampling large numbers of random values in order to come to

Call For Entries

FP Haskell Competition Call for Entries We just launched our new Free Community edition of FP Haskell Center™ making it easier than

Tell Your Friends! New Free Community Edition of FP Haskell Center is Now Available FP Complete™ is excited to announce we are